While I only managed to go 2-1 at tonight's late night draft I still figured I would make this post as I feel that I managed to draft a very Kelly spirited deck. My opening pack had a Conqueror's Pledge in it... which I felt was just begging to be played as I can remember Kelly having a ball in a draft with it a few months back. The rest of my picks were generally white black weenies/removal. The intent of the deck was initially to just drop weenies such as Steppe Lynx and swing with them while throwing removal to keep the board clear. The second round of packs though I managed to grab up a Beastmaster's Ascension which fully completed a Kelly draft deck of olde. In the group of worldwake packs I managed to grab up an Avenger of Zendikar fully completing my Kelly draft deck!
In the Spirit of Kelly! Decklist:
Creatures (12)
1x Apex Hawks
1x Kor Aeronaut
1x Kor Cartographer
2x Kor Hookmaster
1x Kitesail Apprentice
1x Steppe Lynx
1x Giant Scorpion
1x Heartstabber Mosquito
1x Surrakar Marauder
1x Avenger of Zendikar
1x Walking Atlas
Enchantments (3)
1x Journey to Nowhere
1x Corrupted Zendikon
1x Beastmaster Ascension
Artifacts (1)
1x Explorer's Scope
Spells (6)
1x Arrow Volley Trap
1x Bold Defense
1x Disfigure
1x Urge to Feed
1x Conqueror's Pledge
1x Windborne Charge
Lands (17)
7x Plains
6x Swamp
4x Forest
Round 1 I ended up playing against Carl, and the rational beat you in the face with aggro aspect of the deck took the match 2-0. Carl ended up getting in the way of removal against the deck so I didn't have much to worry about and just swung house turn after turn. Our 3rd game for funzies we played saw me resolve an Avenger... but no Beastmaster Ascension with it... not that it mattered as I dropped a land and pumped them with Bold Defense.
Round 2 I ended up playing against Bravestien (sp), and lost 2-1. My first game he manuevered into an 8/8 trample that got +1/+1 on the attack for each forest he controlled, which proceeded to whoop me. Game 2 though is where I shined. I resolved an early Beastmaster Ascension but once again found myself staring down that darned 8/8 enchantment. He ended up attacking me for lethal, forcing me to trade all of my dudes on the board with an Arrow Volley Trap backing them on his 8/8 and other dude... I dropped to 1. The next turn I drew into the Forest I needed to drop my Avenger of Zendikar forcing his scoop phase. Game 3 I found myself mulling to 6, and only getting 3 lands for the game... not quite enough to win with mostly as a result of them being comprised of colors I didn't need... oh the woes of a 3 color deck.
Round 3 I played Decker, and ended up going 2-0. Game 1 saw me resolve Beastmaster Ascension with several dudes to back it. Unfortunately it was a war of sitting there and waiting for the first few turns until I resolved Avenger of Zendikar and swung for 100+ A very Kelly victory ^_- Game 2 happened much the same way, except with my resolution of Conqueror's Pledge in addition to Avenger with Beastmaster's Ascension. Didn't actually do the math, but it was a minimum of 60 or so ^_^
And thus concludes what will probably be my last Zendikar block draft with ROE coming out next week and all. I haven't actually played too many Zendikar drafts and will be sad to see it go. I only played with worldwake a total of 3 some odd times so I really can't formulate an opinion on that set, but I loved Zen-Zen-Zen drafts and found Landfall to be an amazing mechanic to play with. This is probably the most fun I have had drafting since Time Spiral block. Such is life, I plan on attending 2 prerelease events for my birthday this weekend so hopefully ROE sealed will be fun to play. If nothing else at least I get a couple of those ridiculous Eldrazi of win cards for playing!
Off to finish (500) days of Summer now
A Kellified Travy
So Where Has Ferrett Been?
6 years ago
Very Nice ^ ^ I thought that Eldrazi is going to be the third part of Zendikar?
Nope, it's a new block
Technically it's the 3rd part of the Zendikar block, but it's being played in limited as a standalone. I think it's stupid :<
Yeah... it's all because of coldsnap fracking things up way back when -_-, curse you coldsnap!
What happened with Coldsnap?
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